Greensboro, North Carolina

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Little Fall Color

   The old timers say that when you have a very "wet" year, the color is not as good as it is in dryer years. I think they have it right, because this has been the one of the "wettest" years on record and the fall colors are not as vibrant as normal. Actually, I heard a weather reporter say the same thing the other day.
   Now I'm not saying it is as colorless as the west Texas landscape I grew up in, but it doesn't seem as striking as I have become accustomed to in the past 22 years in North Carolina.
   Here are a few shots around the neighborhood where we walk daily. Leaves are falling like crazy and squirrels are flying around like trapeze artist, leaping from limb to limb and scurrying down to gather up their bounty in acorns before the first blasts of winter. They have a sense of urgency that they haven't displayed before, I think it will be cold soon. I hope that you enjoy them.


  1. All the pictures are so beautiful! I'm honored you chose to send them to me! You're a great artist like Darren is!
