Greensboro, North Carolina

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Education at the Highest Levels

Greensboro has long been noted for higher educational opportunities. In 1837, the Quaker (Friends) church founded the original Guilford College on a tract of land near the birthplace of Dolley Madison (wife of President James Madison.) Today the school has a  population of about 2700 students enrolled in their various liberal arts curriculum. There are five academic divisions—arts; business, policy and sport studies; humanities; natural sciences and mathematics; and social sciences – and an interdisciplinary program.

Greensboro College originated as an all girls school, but has successfully transaitioned into a liberal arts college with undergraduate and gradute degrees available. Average enrollment is around 1200 students at all levels.The University of North Carolina in Greensboro, UNCG is by far the largest university in Greensboro with a total enrollment exceeding 18,000.
 Undergraduate studies include the full gamet of liberal arts studies within the colleges of Arts and Sciences, Bryan School of Business, School of Education, School of Health and Human Services, School of Music, Theater and Dance, School of Nursing and the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering.
Bennett College for Women is the smallest University in Greensboro but it has a rich history of providing a quality education. The North Carolina Agricultural and Technical University (NC A&T University ) provides graduate and undergraduate degrees with a world renown reputation in their various colleges.The Colleges of Arts and Sciences and Engineering as well  as the Schools of Agriculture and Environmental Services, Business & Economics, Education, Nursing, Technology and The Joint School of Nanoscience & Nanoengineering have a rich history of success.Current enrollment is around 3,000 students.
If you or someone you love is in need of a higher education, Greensboro  is the place to get it! Give us a quick look for more information about the city and affordable living opportunities in the area.

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